Wear Resistant Steel Cutting Options
All steel mills produce standard sizes of bars (i.e. flat, round, square) and plates (i.e. 48” x 96”, 96” x 240”, 120” x 288” etc.). Consequently, the fabricator must have equipment to cut the bars or plate to a size which they can use for further processing. Other than shearing, sawing, grinding or water jet, wear resistant steel is usually cut using heat to melt the material. There are 3 main processes and each has its advantages. (more…)
Why Does Wear Resistant Steel Need Impact Resistance?
Impact resistance in wear resistant steel is usually defined as the amount of energy that a material can withstand when it is suddenly hit with a load or force. Think in terms of a steel plate or steel parts being hit by a very hard object like rocks hitting a grizzly screen. It is measured as the amount of force required to crack or deform the steel, and is measured in foot-pounds per inch or joules per centimeter. (more…)
Toolox Steel: The Hardest Pre-Hardened Tool Steel In The World
Tool steels like Toolox 33 Steel and Toolox 44 Steel are designed to be made into tools, hence the name. Specifically, they are designed to be very hard, to resist deformation, resist wearing and, in some cases, to hold an edge. Toolox Steel is used to make tools for cutting, pressing, extruding, injection molding and to form other materials into tools. (more…)
What Type of Wear Resistant Steel Do You Need?
There are three factors which determine how a wear resistant steel should be utilized. Hardness is a steel’s ability to withstand friction or wearing away by material sliding over its surface. Toughness is a steel’s ability to withstand impact or hitting. However, ideal hardness also requires ductility which allows the material to deform before cracking or breaking. (more…)
The Importance of Pre-Heating Abrasion Resistant Steel Before Welding
All abrasion resistant steels require pre-heating before welding except ENDURA and ENDURA Dual with Titanium carbides. This involves heating the steel to a specific temperature before welding, in its entirety, or at a minimum in the area surrounding the weld joint. (more…)
The Importance of Grain Direction When Forming Wear Resistant Steels
When working with any steel, but in particular wear resistant steels, it is imperative that you know the grain direction of the plate.
A steel plate’s grain direction comes from the mill’s rolling process, which stretches the metallurgical structure of the material. The grains run parallel to the rolling direction. (more…)
Everything You Need to Know about Endura Steel’s “TRIP EFFECT”
TRIP refers to “TRANSFORMATION INDUCED PLASTICITY” and is sometimes referred to as TRIP STEELS. With TRIP, the steel undergoes a slow transformation when stress and/or deformation is applied to the steel. For example, in applications of severe impact abrasion. (more…)