Thermal Cracking & Wear Resistant Steel

Cold air can affect your steel. Specifically, it can make it brittle, which can lead to Thermal Cracking. Steel that is ductile at room temperature may also lose that in colder temperatures so instead of bending, it may break. (more…)

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What Type of Wear Resistant Steel Do You Need?

There are three factors which determine how a wear resistant steel should be utilized. Hardness is a steel’s ability to withstand friction or wearing away by material sliding over its surface. Toughness is a steel’s ability to withstand impact or hitting. However, ideal hardness also requires ductility which allows the material to deform before cracking or breaking. (more…)

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How Quenching and Tempering Makes ENDURA a Superior Steel

In order to make steel harder, a common treatment is to Quench and Temper, a process that involves heating, rapid cooling, and re-heating the steel. However, while Quench and Temper is common, it is ENDURA’s unique take on this process that gives it its TRIP EFFECT properties.


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