Do You Know How Steel is Made?

Few of us realize that steel and steel products are a major part of our everyday lives. Everything from computers, cars, and steel piles, to supports in buildings and thousands of other products all contain steel. But have you ever wondered how steel is actually made?


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What are Grades of Steel?

What are Grades of Steel?

Today, there are over 3,500 grades of steel. Grading is based on the chemical composition and mechanical characteristics, and the way the steel has been produced. (more…)

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What Are the Key Elements in Abrasion Resistant Steel?

There are a number of key elements when it comes to making various grades of steel. While not every element is as essential as iron and carbon, the other elements – when added in various amounts – give different grades of steel specific properties such as hardness, corrosion resistance, weldability. Let’s take a look: (more…)

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